Are you looking for transcription equipment and software that will help improve your business productivity immensely?
Our AS-9000 Olympus transcription software and kit can do just that! In this blog, we’ll look at the helpful features that put this transcription software above all others in terms of efficiency and ease of use.
Streamline Your Workflow
The AS-9000 Olympus transcription software helps streamline your data sharing systems from person to person and department to department. You can even set up notifications for priority recordings! This allows for quicker communication and ensures everyone is on the same page, making it simpler to meet office deadlines.
Easy Setup And Administration
No matter the size of your business, big or small, you will be able to use this software to build a professional dictation workflow that is easy to set up and manage. A central administration will also be set up easily to allow for headache-free admin.
Customised To Your Needs
The newly designed interface of the AS-9000 software allows for an effortless setup and even easier navigation. This upgraded design features customisable icons and settings that perfectly suit your business needs as well as user preferences. With the right tools in place, you’re able to boost workplace productivity and efficiency.
Easy Scalability
This handy Olympus transcription software has a modular architecture that allows you to expand it step by step. As you expand it year by year, you just have to assign authors, typists, etc. who will join your network. Therefore, this software can grow and scale with your business.
Easy To Use Footswitch
The HID footswitch fits and works perfectly for any shoe size with the ability for the centre pedal to be locked. The footswitch works seamlessly with the easy-to-use transcription software, allowing you to play, pause or rewind at the tap of your foot.
Speech Recognition Software For Quicker Transcriptions
The AS 9000 software is compatible and seamlessly integrates with Dragon Speech Recognition software. Through this helpful integration, you will be able to cut down transcription time and link multiple author IDs, further helping to improve workflow efficiency.
Are you ready to improve your business’s productivity? Order our AS-9000 Olympus Transcription software and kit today!